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3 Day Refresh – Getting Myself Back on Track

I took the leap and ordered the new 3 Day Refresh Challenge Pack program this past December. My goal was to undo all of the damage I knew I was going to do to my body over the Christmas and New Year’s holiday. My goal was to start 2015 on a healthy track. Well, life got ahead of me and now I’m sitting here right before Memorial Day Weekend and I’ve finally decided to take the plunge. I have a wedding on Saturday and then it’s off to the beach so I want to look my very best at both places. Plus I have some unhealthy damage to undo and am looking forward to getting a jump start towards getting back on track with my healthy eating and fitness goals.

How can you have some unhealthy damage to undo when you exercise every day? Just like you, I follow the 80/20 rule. 80% of the time, I eat clean and healthy. But the other 20% of the time, I indulge in cocktails, rich foods and treats. I want to use this opportunity to clean out my body before the rich weekend ahead of me.

I’m not usually one for cleanses. I think our kidneys and liver to a great job of cleansing our bodies naturally. But the 3 Day Refresh isn’t a cleanse. You are eating and drinking all day long to keep your body nourished with whole foods and your metabolism humming. (The popular juice cleanses that I’m always hearing about are usually so high in sugar and low in protein that they seem to do more harm than good, in my opinion.)

After hearing from some friends about their personal successes and experience on the program, I decided to ignore my inner skeptic and take the leap and order it myself. I want to give it my personal review.

Wish me luck because I start tomorrow!!

I’ll be documenting my entire 3 Day Refresh journey here on the blog, so stay tuned!

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