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The Diet Cycle, Shakeology and WHY you need to look deeper!

Resolutions, do you make them or break them? That is a good question and one that probably should be addressed sooner rather than later. Why is it that every year we make the same resolutions of dieting, losing weight or eating better only to make it 10-12 days into January and GIVE UP?? I have been there and I HAVE done this, how many of you can relate?

The thing is, being healthy isn’t a January 1st thing, it should be an everyday thing. So Why, do people wait until the magical date of January 1st? Because it is a NEW year, and they are going to start things right my jumping in head first. But what would be the difference if it was March 15th or July 4th or September 21st? Why should those dates be less significant to those wanting to change their lives and start living a healthier lifestyle? Honestly, I don’t know the answer to that question, maybe it is a marketing strategy that was put in place many years ago? Who knows, but what I do know is that this nation is in the mix of an overweight, and obese epidemic. Its time to make a change no matter what the date on the calendar says.

So why do those gyms get so full for the first two weeks of the new year, only to die off two weeks later? Let me explain it to you:

The Diet Cycle

The day is finally here, January 1st and the health club you decided to join in running $0 enrollment. YEAH!!! You sign up and you check off the first item on your resolution list. Lose weight, right??? Well, you must have a plan. So you read somewhere that you need to only be eating 12-1600 calories per day and should be working out at least 60 minutes 3-5 days a week. Sound familiar?…..

Week one goes really well, dedication is there and your motivation is huge….You got this, this is going to be your year, or at least you thought it was going to be.

Fast forward to days 10-14. You have been doing well at the gym, you have been making it there on average 3-5 times per week and you are LOVING sort of enjoying it, but you are starting to feel tired, your energy is down maybe you are even feeling a little bit irritable? You begin to ask yourself, “I thought working out was supposed to make me feel better, was supposed to help relieve my stress and make me less crabby?” Truth of the matter it does, but what you may not be realizing is there is more to your losing weight resolution that you didn’t consider.

You continue on your journey, only to start having cravings for the things you shouldn’t be eating. But you say to yourself, “I’m tired, I’ve done good so far, I deserve this treat, I can have my one day to cheat.” Sure, its ok to cheat every once in a while. We have all done it, I’ve done it but not without feeling horrible afterwards.

The difference… those that derail and give in to the constant temptation that is put before them, will continue to give in which will lead to the end of this “Diet cycle”.

You feel that you have failed, you are frustrated that you gave up. You are mad that you kept giving into the temptations that were placed in front of you. You call it Quits….This is to much work and not for you!

I understand, I can relate whole heartedly and I can honestly say this has been me every year, until January of 2015. There it goes again, that magical month of the year that screams ” The healthiest month of the YEAR”.

What if I was to tell you that there is a good chance the reason you keep “giving up” is not that fact that you don’t honestly want this for yourself, but for the fact that your body is not getting the vital nutrients it needs to allow this to happen?

Research shows that those deficient in Micro and Macro nutrients have a higher risk of obesity, and disease amongst other things.

What Are the Symptoms of Nutritional Deficiencies?

The symptoms of a nutritional deficiency depend on which nutrient the body lacks. However deficiencies can cause general symptoms. These include:

  • Pallor (pale skin)

  • fatigue

  • weakness

  • trouble breathing

  • unusual food cravings

  • hair loss

  • periods of lightheadedness

  • constipation

  • sleepiness

  • heart palpitations

  • feeling faint or fainting

  • depression

  • tingling and numbness of the joints

  • menstrual issues (such as missed periods or very heavy cycles)

  • depression

  • poor concentration

You may display all of these symptoms or only groups of them. Over time, most people adapt to the symptoms. This causes the condition to go undiagnosed.

Most American’s today, lack the appropriate nutrients they need in order for their bodies to work to its full potential. I WAS one of them. Do you find yourself with any of the above symptoms on a daily basis? If so, it may be time to take a step back and re-look at what you need to do to be able to officially check that resolution off your list.

What I found was a product called Shakeology. While I was skeptical at first. Yes, I even had the ingredients analyzed to ensure there was nothing within in this shake that would cause harm to my body. The answer was nothing but Whole food ingredients, vitamins, adaptogens, and phytonutrients that I was lacking in my own healthy eating. I got the thumbs up to give it a try.

Changes were apparent quickly. Cravings literally dimished within just the first week, energy started to increase and I was sleeping better. Incorporating this product into my workout program has helped me advance my healthy lifestyle tenfold.

So what is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a Meal Replacement, not a protein shake. It is packed with all the vital nutrients your body needs for the day in one shake.

Shakeology’s adaptogens and phytonutrients help stregthen the immune system which means less time being sick!! Shakeology helps to repair and restore your GI system which means you become more regular (TMI :)), your digestion improves and allows for your body to completely absorb the nutrients you are giving it.

Shakeology also helps to reduce chronic inflammation which so happens to be the #1 cause of nearly every disease!

How does Shakeology Compare to the other Health shakes on the market today?

Shakeology DOES NOT contain:

  • SOY: Which can cause issues with digestion, thyroid, cognitive, immune system and reproduction.

  • ARTIFICIAL SWEETNERS: Which can stimulate appetite, increase carb cravings, increase fat storage and is a carcinogen.

  • ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS: Which is directly linked to ADD, Asthma, headache and Thyroid.

At only 180 calories per serving, this meal replacement has all the nutrients you need according to the RDA. Getting the appropriate amount of vital nutrients in your diet will help you achieve your health and fitness goals and assist you in losing the weight, gaining weight or maintaining your weight depending on what your goals are. This replacement is for everyone, young and young at heart. Yes, I do mean young as in Kids. If I am going to give myself the best nutrition possible, why wouldn’t I give it to my kids?

Your lifestyle cycle according to Shakeology

So I ask you this, when you decide you are ready to make the change. Become a better YOU, feel good about YOU. Make a plan. Find a program that works for you, consider shakeology as part of your new years resolution and begin feeling whole again. Trust me, it is worth it and so are YOU!

Experience Shakeology for yourself:

At Just $4 a day, you can be on your way to a healthier you!

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